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The Green-Light Dream Garden Built up Program: Low-carbon and saving-energy community

  1. 海線地區之即時空氣污染監測建構網-已建置125點(含前期計畫80點)。
  2. 學生在校所學「綠能科技、太陽能光電」專長,協助社區裝置風光互補路燈於社區民設立公園-台中市龍井區山腳社區。
  3. 學生志工協助安裝微型空氣監測器安裝於敏感族群的平日活動場所,提供即時空氣監測數據,守護民眾的自身健康。
  4. 學生志工定時安檢微型空氣監測器,透過手機版即時空氣品質APP程式,觀看空氣品質狀況,守護幼兒長者的健康。
  5. 學生志工協助社區民設公園(台中市龍井區山腳社區鐵支路公園)鋪草皮-打造低碳家園環境改造。
  6. 學生志工協助社區民設公園(台中市沙鹿綠光尋夢園)成為綠能示範點-打造低碳家園環境改造。
  7. 推動社區民眾關懷空氣環境品質,透過手機版即時空氣品質APP程式,提供自身健康守護。
  8. 在沙鹿興安社區活動中心推動節能節電,培訓民眾志工,擔任節電推廣大使,藉由志工之親身經驗來做到全面性擴大宣傳節電觀念。
  9. 本計畫與台中環保局合作空汙監測網,環保局吳志超局長親臨指導。
  10. 宣導節電政策,邀集民眾參加培訓課程,讓節電行為簡易深入民眾生活,瞭解居家生活節電應用。
The coastal area in the central part of Central Taiwan, close to industrial areas, thermal power plants and the problem of hazardous damage outside the country. The issue of air pollution is of concern to people along the coastal area. Moreover, due to the effects of warming, the coastal area has become the most significant increase in electricity consumption in recent years. Hungkuang University combines the resources of neighboring schools and community to form a cross-domain team to fulfill the university social responsibilities (USR) with community care service and sustainable environment. 

The program execution goals 

1. The establishment of real-time air pollution monitoring stations and mobile phone APP alerts in coastal areas of Central Taiwan.

2. Construct energy-saving and green energy demonstration communities. In the coastal communities and institutions, improve the efficiency of electrical equipment and install green energy equipment.

3. Improve the environmental sanitation quality of sensitive groups. Provide drinking water quality safety analysis, community sewage improvement and community odor source identification.

4. Rebuild green and beautify public spaces in communities, promote a sustainable environment and revitalize communities.

In the past three years, Hungkuang USR project has completed 125 real-time air pollution monitoring stations for sensitive groups in the coastal area of Central Taiwan, air pollution network, real-time air pollution street map (OSM) system, and the public mobile version of the real-time air quality APP warning system. Moreover, the industry experts' energy conservation and green energy community counseling completed the inspection of community air conditioning, lighting and electric heating equipment, constructed energy-saving and green energy demonstration communities, assisted communities in promoting public spaces and users to install high-efficiency electrical equipment and install green energy, and the community introduce a smart energy management system. Improve the environmental sanitation of sensitive groups, provide drinking water quality safety testing, community sewage improvement, community odor source identification, green landscaping and green buildings in the community. This project has affirmed the support of the public and can actively participate in community reconstruction, which has significant effects on community energy-saving efficiency and green energy construction.

The innovative values

This project is aimed at the elderly community activity centers, kindergartens, elementary schools, long-term centers, social welfare institutions, medical institutions and other sensitive activity venues in the coastal area of Central Taiwan. The propaganda of pollution prevention and hazards, provide its characteristic map data (regional real-time air quality) to maintain the quality of the living environment, provide water tower (drinking fountain) water quality testing services and indoor air quality issues consultation, test and improvement suggestions, and assist in testing and improvement. Expansion of real-time air pollution monitoring stations in coastal areas (125 points have been established, see Figure 1 for construction points) and cloud database expansion. The plan responds to the suggestions of the community and promotes innovation and features including:

1. The project of university social responsibility (USR) integration course, in-depth community sustainable operation, our teachers and students in air pollutant sensor practice, green technology, solar photovoltaic practice and other courses, research and development and use of air pollutant sensing equipment parts for assembly, testing, installation. Establish the real-time air pollution monitoring points for sensitive groups in the central-western coastal areas (include Shalu, Wuqi, Qingshui, Daya, Longjing, Dajia, Changhua, Nantou, Miaoli).And construct a real-time air pollution monitoring network along the central coast of Central Taiwan (Figure 2 and Figure 3).

2. The Faculties and students construct and teach the public to easily operate the mobile version of the real-time air quality APP, and how to use the augmented Internet of Things (IOT) and Open Street Map (OSM) system development (Figure 4).

3. Energy-saving, green energy and low-carbon environmental renovation in central coastal communities (Figure 5 and Figure 6). Assist the public to participate in the community living environment to accommodate more energy-saving design and field practice, rather than stop at advocacy. This project has reached consensus through a process of public discussion and dialogue with the community. 

Executive highlights

(1) Community electricity equipment replacement, analyze the efficiency of electrical equipment, such as central air conditioning, lighting equipment, electric heating equipment, various types of lamps and air conditioners, etc. thorough evaluation and analysis of the energy efficiency ratio (EER) and lighting of the above electrical equipment, the lumens of the equipment and the operating efficiency of electric heating equipment promote the replacement of high-efficiency electrical equipment in community public spaces and users (Figure 7).

(2) Community promotion needs to combine energy-saving and electricity-saving training volunteers, use volunteer resources to promote government subsidies and invite volunteers to serve as energy-saving promotion ambassadors. Through the personal experience of volunteers to comprehensively expand the concept of energy-saving (Figure 8).

(3) Cooperate with the city key line (CKL) groups to promote and power-saving incentives as incentives to increase community participation willingness to plan.

(4) Invite the public and industry experts on energy conservation, academics (in energy conservation and economic fields), government departments, and non-governmental organizations in energy conservation and environmental protection fields to conduct a discussion of topics and exchange of opinions about climate change, energy conservation, energy efficiency, and promotion of renewable energy (Figure 9).

(5) The community add a smart energy management system, including power measurement, diagnosis, analysis, testing, etc. Through continuous learning and observation, it can gradually be establishing the best power usage mode and management strategy.

(6) Combine community resources in each district of Central Taiwan, assisting in the promotion of power-saving policies, and inviting people in the district to participate in training courses, let the power-saving behavior can be easily penetrated into communities and popular habit. This USR project exerts the expand effectiveness people that share them to understanding the importance of saving power and how effective use of green energy (Figure 10).
  1. University characteristic Startup Stage Project

  2. Taichung City

  3. HungKuang University


Further reading

  1. Youtube

  2. Youtube

  3. Youtube

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Measures for Leaving a Message to Enter the Draw for the Live Streaming of the Opening Ceremony

  • Event Period

    From 13:00 to 14:00 on December 12 (Saturday), 2020

  • Event Measures

    Log in to your personal Facebook or Google account to proceed with leaving a message; each account with a successful message of #2020usrexpo left before the end of the live streaming of the opening ceremony will have an opportunity to enter the draw, and each account is restricted to winning the prize once only.

  • List of Winners

    On December 14 (Monday), 2020, the list of winners will be announced on the event official website https://2020usrexpo.org/) Announcement of the list of winners

Event Prize Content

  • 1st Prize

    “Huei Yeh” Power Extreme Massage Gun 1 winner

  • 2nd Prize

    Nestle Dolce Gusto Genio 2 1 winner

  • 3rd Prize

    KINYO Bluetooth 5.0 Wireless Speaker 2 winner

  • 4th Prize

    7-11 Gift Voucher valued at NT$200 27 winner

Announcement of the list of winners

The various prizes are expected to be notified via email and also announced on the event official website on December 14 (Monday), please will the prize winners pay attention to the prize-winning information, and send back the relevant documents according to the notices & explanations; no separate notification will be issued.


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