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Reviving the Aged Community, by Youth for Seniors and Youthful Seniors

  1. 落實青銀共創,邀請社區長者、在地學子和高齡囝仔參與,更有外籍生到場體驗過端午的文化習俗,世代互助且快樂氛圍在現場蔓延。
  2. 「打擊壞菌斑」小小照服員培訓,搭配國小健康與體育的課綱,一起重視口腔保健議題。
  3. 社區媽媽教學示範,仍有不少人手忙腳亂。有的沒將粽繩綁緊,不留神滾到地上,或在下鍋煮時脫落,變成一鍋粥,鬧出了不少笑話。
  4. 透過桌遊訓練認知功能、降低失智風險,雖然長輩有時候會忽然忘記玩法而生氣,但透過學生不斷解說仍玩得不亦樂乎。
  5. 學生運用所學設計宣導關卡,帶領長輩一同認識失智症外,並改善社區大眾對失智症的錯誤認知與歧視。
  6. 為了自己成長的社區盡一份心力。學生與長輩們,一同用心地彩繪花燈,將社區特色畫上花燈,期許逐漸為高齡化的社區能夠帶來活力。
  7. 長輩嘴巴說著不會畫啦!帶我來這邊幹嘛啦!到了現場,仍願意拿起畫筆畫下印象中的社區,更期待花燈布置的那天,能為社區帶來活絡!
  8. 學生持續關心訪視,讓長輩願意踏出家門到社區擴展生活圈。團隊結合在地社福單位,守護與服務當地長輩,營造高齡友善社區。
  9. 「高齡囡仔H O K I 來作伴」團隊透過高齡者模擬設備、穿戴裝置與夾綠豆遊戲,讓參與者體會高齡者生活不便之處。
  10. 與東海大學智慧行動車合作,當天除了透過儀器的測量讓長輩更了解身體狀況,運用教具、帶動健康操讓長輩活絡筋骨、刺激思考。
Mei-Ju Chen, head of STUST Department of Senior Welfare and Services and project team leader of USR team at STUST realized, as early as ten years ago, that the care of the aged would become a social dilemma, especially the urban-rural disparity in the allocation of care resources. In her efforts to improve the situation, she became involved in the University Social Responsibility (hereafter referred to as USR) project to bring in various expertise to collaborate with local resources, to help local pupils watch over and care for local elderly, to enable local youths to implement social responsibility, all to bridge the cross-generational gap to create a harmonious atmosphere to achieve an age-friendly community.

The senior labor force in noiseless communities

   When we first arrived at the community, most of the residents we saw were elderly and a handful of schoolchildren. To earn their livelihoods, the elderly sits all day on non-ergonomic low stools for long hours with minimal pay, either shucking oyster in reticent and isolated Village, or harvesting and packing tomatoes in indigent Village. With only remotely accessible medical care and rarely nutritionally balanced meals, everyday activities are often affected by prevalent joint deformities, chronic metabolic conditions, and mild dementia.

Downshifted gears gradually come to life again

   Cross-departmental and cross-specialty collaboration at STUST was launched by Youth for Seniors, an autonomous teacher-student initiative at the STUST Department of Senior Welfare and Services, to found the USR team with the sole purpose of bringing passion into care for the aged in the community, gaining not only the approval of the elderly but also bringing life back into the community. By applying academia and working alongside local and social resources, a cross-generational co-operative climate has been created in the community to strive for the common good and reap the benefits together. For example, at the Double Fifth Festival, the project team organized traditional activities towards cross-generational interaction in which the aged instructed the young on making sticky rice dumplings, and the young in return served tea ceremoniously to the aged, enabling amity between generations. Programs like this have brought new sensation and drive for the elderly who have otherwise stopped planning their everyday lives, akin to rusty machinery brought once more to life with new motor oil. This serves to establish a new model for community senior care.

Peaceful lives stirred by sudden home accidents and dementia onset

   There are numerous fall hazards in every home. Along with deterioration of bodily function by advancing age, walking becomes more difficult and unstable, and the fear of falling has confined the elderly at home, leading to inactivity, which accelerates muscle loss – this vicious cycle, together with lack of social stimulation elevates incidents of falls, ill health, and dementia. Studies indicate that one-third of accidents occur at home, underlining the importance of home environment safety. When we go into the community, we would hear from time to time the sudden news of some elderly individuals hospitalized after a fall. Collaborating with village chiefs, our project leaders and assistants took students to visit individual homes to survey and to promote home environment safety. In doing so, we found that most floorings were tiles and granites. While such floors are attractive and easy to clean, their smoothness and rigidity, however, make a high risk of falls in the elderly. Furthermore, to address certain behavioral problems in the elderly, our project team organized a community obstacle-course event as part of the initiative towards a dementia-friendly community, to help people better understand dementia and to address misconceptions and discriminations against dementia. An amusing incident occurred at the event where one particular elderly individual went off-script at almost every course, but the Youth for Seniors students in charge of the stations were trained well beforehand and dealt with the situation appropriately. At the same time, has worked with local social services to set up a dementia care service base for local seniors, which is also in line with the concept of building an age-friendly community.

Nutrition issues in Eating Leftovers

   We often hear the elderly in the community describe their practice of only cooking once for the entire three meals of the day, even taking leftovers from the day before, and this made us very concerned about their nutrition intake and food safety. Therefore has organized local schoolchildren in the role of “little care workers” and Youth for Seniors in intercollegiate collaboration with KMU for oral health assessment programs, to train students in ways to interact with seniors and to practice oral cleaning and oral exercises to promote care, respect and health safeguard for the elderly.

  USR courses at STUST are taught by industry experts and offer students on-site experience and skills training with real-life applications in the framework of communities to enhance practical skills and to train students to explore the community’s needs and challenges. By partaking in on-site activities, students’ logical thinking is steered towards practical aspects to come up with solutions more practical and feasible. The courses also encourage students to enter various contests with products from the courses to broaden their horizons, increase self-confidence, and to expand their sense of achievement.

  The collaboration of Youth for Seniors and the elderly in the community has inspired new life and energy to break the old age myth and to build an aged society with smiles and happiness.

  1. University characteristic Expansion Stage Project

  2. Tainan City

  3. Southern Taiwan University of Science and Technology


Further reading

  1. Youtube

  2. Youtube

  3. Youtube

  4. Youtube

  5. Youtube

Message board


Measures for Leaving a Message to Enter the Draw for the Live Streaming of the Opening Ceremony

  • Event Period

    From 13:00 to 14:00 on December 12 (Saturday), 2020

  • Event Measures

    Log in to your personal Facebook or Google account to proceed with leaving a message; each account with a successful message of #2020usrexpo left before the end of the live streaming of the opening ceremony will have an opportunity to enter the draw, and each account is restricted to winning the prize once only.

  • List of Winners

    On December 14 (Monday), 2020, the list of winners will be announced on the event official website https://2020usrexpo.org/) Announcement of the list of winners

Event Prize Content

  • 1st Prize

    “Huei Yeh” Power Extreme Massage Gun 1 winner

  • 2nd Prize

    Nestle Dolce Gusto Genio 2 1 winner

  • 3rd Prize

    KINYO Bluetooth 5.0 Wireless Speaker 2 winner

  • 4th Prize

    7-11 Gift Voucher valued at NT$200 27 winner

Announcement of the list of winners

The various prizes are expected to be notified via email and also announced on the event official website on December 14 (Monday), please will the prize winners pay attention to the prize-winning information, and send back the relevant documents according to the notices & explanations; no separate notification will be issued.


  1. The event period for this event is based on Taiwan time, and the delivery of the rewards is restricted to regions including Taiwan, Penghu, Kinmen, and Matsu.
  2. Please refer to the actual products for the event rewards, the pictures used on the website are for reference only; no request for changing colors, specs, transfers, or cash redemption will be accepted.
  3. Our event organizer will not be liable for the follow-up warranty and maintenance of the winning rewards; once the rewards have been collected, signed, and accepted, no reissuance of the rewards will be available if the rewards have been lost, peculated, discarded, or damaged. Please refer to the actual products for the prize rewards, no return or exchange will be accepted; the prize winner must contact the manufacturer of the rewards if there is any issue regarding malfunctioning, damage, or maintenance.
  4. 1st prize ~ 2nd prize (Winning prizes with a value exceeding NT$1,000 (inclusive): Each prize winner should fill out the “Reward Collection Application and Receipt (will be announced together with the announcement of the list of winners)” within 7 days (including holidays based on the post stamp) starting from the next day with the announcement of the list of winners, and must provide a copy of both sides of the ID card. The copy must be sent to the specified place via registered mail; those passing the deadline will be deemed to give up the prize and rights, and no objections will be accepted from the prize winners.
  5. 3rd Prize ~ 4th Prize (Winning prizes with a value less than NT$1,000 (inclusive): Prize winners should reply to the prize-winning notifying letter via Email within 7 days (including holidays) starting from the next day of the announcement of the list of winners, to confirm the collection of the rewards and to fill out the relevant info for sending the rewards (to confirm the address for sending the gift), and to accelerate the follow-up qualification review. If the prize winners do not complete the relevant info before the deadline, they will be deemed to give up the opportunity to collect the rewards, and no alternative gifts or reissuance of gifts will be available.
  6. When the prize winners have completed filling out the prize-winning info, the organizer will double-check the identification data of the prize winners, the rewards will only be sent out when all data is correct.
  7. All prize-winning qualification needs to be approved by the organizer before it becomes effective, all reviewing standards are based on the organizer as the only reference.
  8. If the prize winner did not fill in the data complete and correct, or cannot be in contact, or did not send back the required data within the announced time of the rewards, the prize winner will then be deemed to voluntarily give up the prize, no separate notification will be announced.
  9. According to the R.O.C Tax Act, if the prize winner is an individual residing in Taiwan, and the prize amount (value) exceeds NT$1,000 (inclusive), then a copy of both sides of the ID card will need to be handed in for taxation, which will be incorporated into individual income for the annual taxation. If the prize winner is not an individual residing in Taiwan, 20% of reward tax must be deducted from the reward first regardless of the prize amount before the prize winner can collect the reward. If the prize winner is not an adult, a household registration transcript must be provided along with a letter of consent from the legal representative. If the prize winner is unwilling to pay the tax first, he/she will be deemed to give up the reward, and no objections will be accepted.
  10. If the prize winner is in violation of the relevant event measures or has other dissents, the organizer is allowed to retrieve the reward and no objections from the prize winner will be accepted. If a judicial dispute is involved, all legal liabilities will be held by the individual. The organizer will not be liable.
  11. If it is confirmed that the participant used a hacker program or other method that evidently violates the fairness of the event in an attempt to influence the event, the organizer is then allowed to disqualify the participant immediately or to cancel the prize-winning qualification. Compensation will be liable if a loss is caused for the organizer due to this.
  12. For reasons that the organizer are not liable for, including a computer, network, telephone, or technique issues resulting in the delay, loss, incorrect, unidentifiable, or damaged data uploaded by the participants, the organizer will not be liable for any legal liability, and no objections from the participants and prize winners will be accepted.
  13. The organizer reserves the rights to review the qualification of the event participants, if the organizer or a third party has reported that the participants are found to use methods that are intentional or evidently violate the fairness of the event, or do not conform to the rules of this event, the organizer will then be allowed to cancel the prize immediately.
  14. The event measures are stated on the event platform, the organizer reserves the right to alter the event details at any time (participating method, gift content and quantity…etc.); the participants must agree completely to follow and obey the alterations of the event without any objection. Please refer to the announcement of the event measures if alternations have been made to the event measures, no separate notification will be available.
  15. Unmentioned matters of this event should be handled according to the relevant rules of the civil law; the organizer reserves the rights to maintain, modify, cease and explain the content, as well as to cancel the prize-winning qualification of any prize winner influencing other prize winners’ rights. Refer to the announcement on the platform for the modification info; no separate notification will be available.
  16. Participants in the event agree to accept the event measures and notices, if, in violation, the organizer will then be allowed to cancel the qualification of the participant or the prize winner, and then request the participant for compensation for the losses caused.
  17. When the event is unable to be conducted due to force majeure causes, the organizer has the rights to cancel, terminate, modify, or cease the event. Participants in the event are deemed to accept the effectiveness of the rules, for unmentioned matters, the organizer reserves the rights to modify, terminate, and alter the event content details without giving out a separate notification.


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